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Ann has recently started commuting by subway. We know that a one ride subway ticket costs a rubles. Besides, Ann found out that she can buy a special ticket for m rides (she can buy it several times). It costs b rubles. Ann did the math; she will need to use subway n times. Help Ann, tell her what is the minimum sum of money she will have to spend to make n rides?
The single line contains four space-separated integers n, m, a, b (1 ≤ n, m, a, b ≤ 1000) — the number of rides Ann has planned, the number of rides covered by the m ride ticket, the price of a one ride ticket and the price of an m ride ticket.Output
Print a single integer — the minimum sum in rubles that Ann will need to spend.Examples
inputCopy 6 2 1 2 outputCopy 6 inputCopy 5 2 2 3 outputCopy 8 Note In the first sample one of the optimal solutions is: each time buy a one ride ticket. There are other optimal solutions. For example, buy three m ride tickets.思路:模拟
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